Lublin Graphics
Aux Deux Magots
Hemmingway wrote in his memoir, A Moveable Feast, “If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man then wherever you go for the rest of your life, it stays with you...” and it is precisely this love of Paris that Delacroix evokes in his artistic vision of “Aux Deux Magots.” The bustling streets are lined in budding trees, welcoming the arrival of spring in Paris; while the tiny flames of freshly lit streetlights warm the sidewalks outside. Unlike some of Delacroix’s other work, there is a quiet energy in “Aux Deux Magots” that emanates from the piece--like a calm before the storm. The painting of “Aux Deux Magots” (p.92, Michel Delacriox, Lublin Publishers, 1988) was selected as the cover image for the catalog retrospective of his work. Not many prints are still found for sale, so this is a very rare find indeed.